Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Berlin Cowboys Stage Play by Willard Manus Opens in Hollywood March 31, 2012

A long-time friend since SEEFest's beginning, WILLARD MANUS returns to the L.A. stages with his first new production of the year, BERLIN COWBOYS at the Write Act Repertory Theatre in Hollywood.

Berlin Cowboys is directed by Iris Merlis and uses a true-life event to explore a larger dramatic possibility: What happens when the CIA is camped out in the West of a divided Germany and wants to dig a tunnel to the other side to tap into Communist communication lines? What happens when personalities collide in the quest of a prevailing Western ideal? Manus' script provides the proper balance of intrigue, tension, humor and humanity.

Berlin Cowboys opens Saturday March 31, 2012 at 8:00 pm and continues with weekend evening performances through April 21, 2012.

Show Dates:
      [Thursday] April 5, April 12, April 19
      [Friday] April 6, April 13, April 20
      [Saturday] March 31, April 7, April 14, April 21

All Shows begin at 8:00 pm

*Special Matinee and Closing: Sunday April 22, 2012 at 4:00 pm

More information and box office: (323) 469-3113 and WAR


Emploi Berlin said...

I could not manage to go there, how was it then?

Friend of SEEFest and Willard Manus said...

Some friends of SEE Fest attended the BERLIN COWBOYS opening night.

It was a full house, and the event was more special with the attendance of playwright Willard Manus and his wife Mavis.

The play’s balance of humor and intrigue was well conceived in the writing, and the play’s swiftly paced second act revealed that some events are too powerful to stop, showing that we know some things are so obviously bad and yet happen with a whirlwind of awful inevitability.

Willard’s humorous "COOKIES" will likely appear on stage later this year, a delightful and humorous play.

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